Lingerie: TDPH #3 BUBBLE [ELECTRIC] Hunt. (Esta ropa se puede usar sin las lolas).
Vibrator: TDPH #26 Overcast Hunt.
Tattoo: [GLUE INK]~*Living Dead Girl Tattoo. No free. New.
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Amelie Mesh Hair - FAMESHED - Fameshed No Free. New!
Pose:PURPLE POSE - No Free.
involves controlling the fashion jewelry oxidation process to produce a black surface layer that can be buffed into a glossy finish. Some of these products are more stable and durable than others; alloys which contain 15% cobalt and Wedding Rings 10% chromium, and are electrolytically hardened are preferable for this reason. However, chromium imparts an olive-green hue, which is Diamond Jewelry not to everyone's liking.